Sunday, May 10, 2009

Taks 4

Here is the link to our document in google-docs, in which we present our group work on the question on pros and cons of e-learning.

That task was really an interesting work. We had in preparation one session of MSN on tuesday, and that session alone was very very educational. At first we needed approximately three quarters of an hour until the session really started and everybody was able to see everybody. I remember some of Murphys laws, almost every time I have to do something on the computer. One of them as I remember goes as follows: "If a problem seems to be easy, it will be hard. If a problem seems to be hard, it will be unpossible." It was almost like that - it seemed so easy to get this MSN chat running...

But finally we succeded. Then we found out that if there was a task at hand, it is very useful if one of the team takes the lead of the chat process, because otherwise the communication will not be very constructive. We managed that very well, and in my opinion this pre-session was really very useful for the whole process of the writing of the document. we did the work in the following days according to our plan, and even if it is not totally finished by now I think I am not premature if I say now: it was really good work!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexander!
    I am happy that the three of you managed to work so well with this task 4, - and I am looking forward to read you assignment.
    It seems for me that you really found Google doc a useful tool, even though it is not so “fancy” technical solutions; - am I right in thinking this? And as we have discussed before, there are ways of dealing with this editing lacks.
    I also think that the way you tried out how to use msn as a collaborating tool really gave you some kind of ”hands-on” training. Even though you met good old Murphy and his laws. The Murphy’s law I remembers best is” If anything can go wrong, - it will”,
    So I am very pleased that you managed to tackle the difficulties and finish your tasks!
    Bests from Grete O
